Thursday, April 18, 2013

My First Blog

So, today I write my first blog. First and foremost, I am a Mommy to 4 amazing children ages 10, 7, 5 and 1 and a wife of 12 years to a husband I adore. I got into running short distances for weight loss about 3 years ago. In the past year I have incorporated weight training into my fitness routine. I never thought I would be interested in doing weights, but the combination of weights and running is just what I needed. I have run 6 virtual 5ks in 2013 and one actual race that I did in my city last weekend. I have also signed up with a friend to do the Color Vibe at the end of April as well as a host of other races throughout the rest of the year. I have always been very fortunate and haven’t had a lot of issues with weight in my life, but just can’t seem to get rid of the belly fat after having a baby. I’m sure the constant sugar loaded sweets didn’t help my cause either. I have completely revamped what I eat on a daily basis and have made a total lifestyle change. I still allow myself sweets and extras on the weekends and I definitely haven’t given up my wine….hey, a girl needs that some evenings, right? Overall, I feel like I have more energy than I ever have, I don’t feel exhausted by the time the kids go to bed at night and most importantly, I am setting a positive example for them. I always tell them that they are eating and living a healthy lifestyle because they have to, but as they grow to be adults my hope is that they choose to do so on their own. Being healthy and fit can add years to your life and overall, you just feel better. I’m not sure what exactly I will blog about or how often as I don’t know how much time I will have. You’ll probably see some recipes, some things about my kids, some of my 5ks or workout plans. Mostly, I just want to be a positive motivator for others along this journey.

So, I will end with this…..may you find hope in humanity, peace in yourself and the determination to be fit…..HopePeaceFit.

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